As a kind of planning, Planning Poker is also known as Agile Poker. It’s a method for gauging the cohesiveness of a group working on software development, and agile teams often use it to determine how much time will be required to complete a given task or how large a given objective really is.
Planning Poker is a tool used by agile teams to evaluate individual tasks. It’s done using playing cards and looks a lot like poker.
James Grenning, an agile-manifesto author, initially mentioned Planning Poker in an essay.
The rules of “Planning Poker” are as follows:
First, a deck of cards with numerical weights is distributed to each person in order to standardize the evaluation process.
The next user narrative is then read aloud, questions are asked of the product owner, and further information is gathered if needed, and the team proceeds to discuss and evaluate the story.
Each member of the team then places the card, torso up, to indicate his or her evaluation.
4.once everyone on the team has given their evaluation, the cards are flipped over and the results are tallied.
Five, if everyone has the same score, the wish list is updated with the consensus score; if not, the debate is restarted and a second round is conducted.
Poker planning outperforms conventional methods of planning in a number of important respects:
Every member of the team is involved in the strategy session.
Everyone in the team is free to express their opinions without fear of being overruled by senior members of the group.
Each member of the team is responsible for ensuring that deadlines are met.
PP yields more precise estimates than do other approaches to estimating.
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